Credit Ratings

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

Credit Moody's Standard & Poor's Fitch DBRS
Senior debt A3 A- A A (high)
Subordinated debt A3 BBB+ A- A
Preferred stock Baa2 BBB- BBB BBB (high)
Agency rating outlook Negative Stable Stable Positive

PNC Bank, N.A.

Credit Moody's Standard & Poor's Fitch DBRS
Senior debt A2 A A+ AA (low)
Subordinated debt A3 A- A A (high)
Long-term deposits Aa3 A* AA- AA (low)
Short-term deposits P-1 A-1* F1+ R-1 (middle)
Short-term notes P-1 A-1 F1 R-1 (middle)
LT Counterparty Risk Assessment A1 - - -
ST Counterparty Risk Assessment P-1 - - -
Agency rating outlook Negative Stable Stable Positive

*S&P does not provide depositor ratings. PNC Bank's long term issuer rating is A and short term issuer rating is A-1.

Updated as of February 28, 2025. Ratings/assessments are subject to change depending on financial and other factors. Other subsidiaries and banks in The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. may have different ratings. This is not a complete list.