January 10, 2012

Ms. Stephanie L. Hunsaker

Senior Assistant Chief Accountant

United States Securities and Exchange Commission

Division of Corporation Finance

Office of Financial Services

100 F Street, N.E.

Washington, D.C. 20549


Re:   The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010
  Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2011
  File No. 001-05805

Dear Ms. Hunsaker:

As discussed with Ms. Lindsay McCord on January 9, 2012, this letter confirms that we currently intend to file PNC’s response letter to the staff’s letter dated December 22, 2011, by January 26, 2012.



/s/ Richard J. Johnson

Richard J. Johnson
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

cc: Ms. Lindsay McCord